Information in English

Speech Formation

In our every-day lives we are not really aware of the way we use speech, how we take control of our language, or how we form individual phones or sounds. It is more important to us to convey the contents of our thoughts. The art of speech formation is to turn our attention solely to the phone, the syllable or the sentence gesture. Formed speech allows us to emphasize the beauty of speech and brings to life the content of speech for the listener.

Speech formation for the second-language speaker

When learning a new language, it is not only important to learn the grammar and the vocabulary but also to familiarize ourselves with the unfamiliar sounds. Speech formation can be a very useful tool, especially in terms of the individual phone, the combination of phones, sentence structure or speech rhythm. With complete awareness of their formation these elements can be fully experienced and easier captured . Speech formation cannot replace a language course, but as a supplement and a support, it is an extraordinarily valuable way to better understand the nature of a language.

Speech Therapy

The way we use our speech depends on our organs of speech, our temper, our breathing, our mood and our physiognomy. Speech depends on both our physical and spiritual constitution, our frame of soul and mind. Speech in turn affects all these areas. In the case of any physical, psychic or spiritual impairment speech can have healing effects.



The scientific approach to speech was originated by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sievers at the beginning of the 20th century. Mrs Beate Roosen has given the speech formation a decisive and renewing impulse. The work of speech therapy is always based on our speech itself, whether its purpose is artistic or therapeutic.

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